
Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatry located in Portland, OR

Telehealth and in-office appointments available.

Living with an anxiety disorder is exhausting and has long-term mental and physical health effects. Berhanu Bedassa, PMHNP, at Bridge of Hope Mental Health Services in Portland, Oregon, understands how distressing it is to constantly feel worried and stressed. He offers high-quality, holistic care that reduces anxiety and helps you enjoy life again. Call Bridge of Hope Mental Health Services today or schedule a consultation online for compassionate anxiety disorder treatment.

Anxiety Q & A

When does anxiety become a problem?

Anxiety isn’t harmful — it’s a natural emotion everyone feels during stressful times. You might worry about how much your car repair bill will be or how well you’ll do on an exam. These incidents happen often in most people’s lives, but they become overwhelming for those with an anxiety disorder.

Some people have generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). They feel anxious all or most of the time, from getting up until bedtime, then sleep poorly in between. Others have focused anxieties called phobias.

A situation can trigger these fears, like being trapped in a small space. Or they can revolve around a specific thing, like spiders or snakes. Social anxiety disorder is a fear of being with others, especially strangers.

You should seek help from Berhanu at Bridge of Hope Mental Health Services if you continually feel anxious or develop a phobia.

What symptoms do anxiety disorders cause?

You’ll likely feel constantly on edge and tense if you have GAD. You’ll struggle to make decisions and never feel rested. You might have headaches and sore muscles brought on by tension. You probably jump if someone touches you unexpectedly or you hear a sudden sound. Other anxiety symptoms include:

  • Sweating
  • Shaking
  • Weakness
  • Fast, shallow breathing
  • Tingling skin or goose bumps
  • Lightheadedness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Chest pain

These symptoms sometimes overwhelm you, causing a panic attack. People experience panic attacks differently, some crying or screaming, others frozen, unable to move or speak. Symptoms can be so severe it feels like you’re having a heart attack.

How are anxiety disorders treated?

Berhanu could recommend psychotherapy (talk therapy or counseling) if your anxiety is mild. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be beneficial, focusing on how anxiety affects you day-to-day. You learn to recognize the flawed thoughts fuelling your anxiety, challenge them, and make them more realistic.

For more severe anxiety, the best results come from combining therapy with anti-anxiety drugs. These medications reduce anxiety by improving brain function. They balance the neurotransmitter chemicals in your brain, decreasing the effects of cortisol and norepinephrine (substances your body produces when you’re worried or scared).

With Berhanu’s expert care, you can overcome anxiety. Call Bridge of Hope Mental Health Services today or book an appointment online to learn how.